"I just called to say 'I love you'. I just called to say how much I care".... Do you remember the old days of calling friends and family on the telephone to see how they are and what they have been up to? My brothers hate it when I email them, saying it is to impersonable, especially for family members. And you know what? I think that they are right...to a degree. I can't tell you how many time I check my friends and family's blog sites to see if they have added anything new or interesting or check my email or my facebook and on and on, when I could have just picked up the phone to see how they are doing. Sometimes it is nice just to get a call, even if just for a moment. That's all. Now don't get all "oh, what is wrong". Nothing is wrong. I have my kids and huband but it is nice to hear from someone else once in awhile. Another adult maybe. I just was thinking how crazy it all is. But I won't lie, I know that right after I push save and publish post, I will be checking out other blogs. One of my goals is to call someone every week or just once in awhile to see how they are doing. It just seems crazy how long I go with out seeing my next doors neighbors and the only time I really see my brother and sis in law and my own sister, whom live in my same neighborhood, seconds away, is at our parents house, in West Jordan, for crying out loud. Yes we are all busy but still that is no excuse to become hermits in our own homes. It'll be winter soon and then we'll all become like bears and hibernate. Oh well just some rambling thoughts........
So true. do you have google reader. it shows when any of your friends have posted anything new. you just have to register the blogsites and voila, it is good to go. Call me and I can tell you.
Hey! wait a minute...am I one of those neighbors? I know, I'm a bum! Maybe we can have a get-together via web-cam, we could watch a movie on our computers together or something? Haha! No really, we ARE getting together, let me know what to bring (tasty treats!)
I totally agree! Sometimes it seems as if technology has surpassed us...
What's your phone number again?!!! I better get busy and give you a call!
I thought about this... I'm glad you spend time on your computer or I probably wouldn't be communicating with you... so it's not so bad :)
i guess i should call you when i think about you.... which is at least once a week. you should move next to me, i promise i would come over and bother you all the time. xoxo
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