Friday, November 28, 2008
Year of the Zachers

You are such a smart little boy with your early crawling and crusing and walking. Who doesn't love a little baby walking. Luckily you pretty much stay in the area you are at but sometimes that darn bathroom calls your name, only a few times have a caught your hand in the water. Good thing it was clean and baths are always available.
Even with you teething you have been good about it. Not much crying from it at all and I am in awe because they come in basically by two's, starting at 4 or 5 months.
Your eyes are beautifully blue like your dad and sister. Any you have crazy hair, good thing grandma was able to cut it. Thank you grandma!! It really reminds me of your sister Samantha's hair, all straight and fluffy crazy. I wonder if it will turn curly too?
Thank you for putting up with me everyday. You are very content with playing with your toys in our make shift hall/play area or watching Aristo Cats. You wake up from naps with a smile on your face, bouncing up and down in your bed or talking (some would say babbling) to yourself until I am able to get in there. You also like to let me know you are wake by either banging the blinds or banging and rattling your bottle against the slats on your crib.
Your brother and sister and daddy and I are very happy with you in our family and just want to let you know that you are very loved all around.
Love you lots,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Halloween Fun
Halloween started off this year a church party and the kids loved dressing up. Then on Friday they had a parade at school to show off there costumes. I met Debby there and didn't recognize her at all. It was fun but long. I am glad my children were in the younger classes because there was a long intermission, like 15-20 minutes, between them and the older classes.

Who is this holding me? Mommy!

Then later we really enjoyed spending it with our family over at Ben's brothers house. We had chili and donuts and cake and the adults talked while Xandi too the kids out trick or treating while we ate and spent the time getting Zach to walk.

When the kids came back, I took Jac and Sam and Ethan over to my friends house next door. They totally love Halloween and it definately shows. When you walk up to the house there is eery music going. You knock on the door and it creeks open to a long hallway with fog and Frankenstein (Mike) coming down the hall with candy. It was great. The kids were right at my side. Awesome!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy 11months!!
Our little Pumpkin
Today is Zach's 11month birthday. I can't believe he will be 1 next month. It seems like yesterday I was having him. I hope it doesn't go any faster. I love him so much!
He is doing well, walking, a couple of steps, but likes to cruise furniture and walls. He sleeps through the night and eats wonderfully. He has become to that stage where he cries when Ben and I leave him. It is cute. I know he loves both of us very much but Ben is sweet and says that Zach just wants me all the time. Probably because he is with me 24/7.
Happy 11 months Zach. We love you very much!!
Corn Belly's

Everything was totally for kids. There was 3 corn mazes - A Frightmare one for night and a smaller one for kids and a David Archuleta face one. There was a pumpkin princess, which S just loved.

They had this big monster thing that you walk thru but only T wanted to go thru it, so Ben took him, but just after they walked in and got to the tonsils, they turned around. I think it was to show you in the insides of the monster.
They had these bouncy pillows that you could jump on. and Car racing, tether ball, tons of slides, a maze museum and food stands. We were going to eat there but then saw the prices. Seriously $4 for a hot dog. Come on now! We thought it was nice for the kids but quite frankly not worth the price to get in $10.50ea. Whew! I know, ridiculous considering, but the kids had tons of fun and we did too watching them. We left about 8pm and went to Bajios. Yummy!!

Here are some pics of the day........

Monday, October 20, 2008
I'vE bEen TaGgEd
4 random things I like about my husband:
1. He is super smart and very loving to me and our children.
2. Ben is laid back and we can just be together. I can honestly say he is my best friend.
3. He provides for our family any way he can and needs to.
4. I love him so much and I know he loves me, even when I am a stinker, sometimes :-0
The BEST!4 movies that I can watch more than once:
1. James Bond
2. Grease
3. Dirty Dancing
4. Aristocats.. and I do, everyday. Zach thinks it is hilarious
4 shows that I watch:
1. Days/GH (secret addiction that is not so secret anymore:-))
2. The Office
3. The Biggest Looser (I love it)
4. House
4 places I've been today:
1. Work
2. Home
3. Home
4. and Home
4 people who email me regularly:
1. My mom
2. Kari
3. customers
4. my mom, especially now that the presidential race is getting closer! Forward of a forward of a forward :-0
4 places I've visited:
1. Canada
2. Bahamas
3. Mexico
4. Kansas
4 places I would like to go:
1. Switzerland
2. Scotland
3. A cruise with Ben (Stacy, shall we go together?)
4. Anywhere with Ben
4 things I'm looking forward to in the next year:
1. Deck
2. kids back in school :-o Did I just type that. Seriously, how many vacation days do they have. I don't remember that many growing up!
3. Finishing back yard with grass and deck
4. Basement
So there you go and I tag all who wants to play.....
1. He is super smart and very loving to me and our children.
2. Ben is laid back and we can just be together. I can honestly say he is my best friend.
3. He provides for our family any way he can and needs to.
4. I love him so much and I know he loves me, even when I am a stinker, sometimes :-0
The BEST!4 movies that I can watch more than once:
1. James Bond
2. Grease
3. Dirty Dancing
4. Aristocats.. and I do, everyday. Zach thinks it is hilarious
4 shows that I watch:
1. Days/GH (secret addiction that is not so secret anymore:-))
2. The Office
3. The Biggest Looser (I love it)
4. House
4 places I've been today:
1. Work
2. Home
3. Home
4. and Home
4 people who email me regularly:
1. My mom
2. Kari
3. customers
4. my mom, especially now that the presidential race is getting closer! Forward of a forward of a forward :-0
4 places I've visited:
1. Canada
2. Bahamas
3. Mexico
4. Kansas
4 places I would like to go:
1. Switzerland
2. Scotland
3. A cruise with Ben (Stacy, shall we go together?)
4. Anywhere with Ben
4 things I'm looking forward to in the next year:
1. Deck
2. kids back in school :-o Did I just type that. Seriously, how many vacation days do they have. I don't remember that many growing up!
3. Finishing back yard with grass and deck
4. Basement
So there you go and I tag all who wants to play.....
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Families are Forever

Front Row (L-R): Marianne, Matt, Mike, Myron
Back Row (L-R): Dad (Don), Mom (Mary), Debby, Denise, Mark, David.
Serious, what year was this. We apparently wanted to be some sort of sport team. Ha! No really, I love my family very much and I just have the best memories growing up. My parents gave a lot for their family and I really appreciate that now that I am grown and have a family of my own.
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

"I just called to say 'I love you'. I just called to say how much I care".... Do you remember the old days of calling friends and family on the telephone to see how they are and what they have been up to? My brothers hate it when I email them, saying it is to impersonable, especially for family members. And you know what? I think that they are right...to a degree. I can't tell you how many time I check my friends and family's blog sites to see if they have added anything new or interesting or check my email or my facebook and on and on, when I could have just picked up the phone to see how they are doing. Sometimes it is nice just to get a call, even if just for a moment. That's all. Now don't get all "oh, what is wrong". Nothing is wrong. I have my kids and huband but it is nice to hear from someone else once in awhile. Another adult maybe. I just was thinking how crazy it all is. But I won't lie, I know that right after I push save and publish post, I will be checking out other blogs. One of my goals is to call someone every week or just once in awhile to see how they are doing. It just seems crazy how long I go with out seeing my next doors neighbors and the only time I really see my brother and sis in law and my own sister, whom live in my same neighborhood, seconds away, is at our parents house, in West Jordan, for crying out loud. Yes we are all busy but still that is no excuse to become hermits in our own homes. It'll be winter soon and then we'll all become like bears and hibernate. Oh well just some rambling thoughts........
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Just wanted to let everyone know that at 6:13pm tonight Zach took 3 steps!!!!!! My friend Holly must have thought I was crazy, because I was calling her to send Jacob home for dinner and right when she answered it happened. I was screaming and excited and said "Zach took 3 steps just now" then I calmed down and asked her to send Jacob home. Whew, what a night!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Day out with Grandma and Grandpa
This summers adventure with grandma and grandpa Schmalz for Samantha was Thanksgiving Point Farms. Samantha loves the day that she spends with her grandparents. They like to take every kid individually so that it is their special day. Because it is their day then they will take the child where ever they want to eat. Since there is not a whole lot of options , McDonalds was the choice and Samantha said she was hungry. So when they went in side to order and asked what she would like to eat, she ordered a sundae. That's all, nothing else. So of course that is what she got and when she came home she was happy as a clam and told us all about her great day at the Farms, looking at the animals, riding the pony and getting drenched at the water area. All in all it was a great day. Thank you mom and dad for taking the time to be with your grandkids they (and we) love you both very much.
Park City 2008
Every year our family goes up to Park City with Ben's family. His parents are gracious enough to share their time share with the family and we always have a wonderful time. I thought this collage would be better then individual pictures. The hotel behind all the pictures is where we all stayed. I think we were on top floor and we had such a beautiful view of the Alpine slide area and the mountain. We appreciate the time we get to share with our family and hope the tradition continous.
(quote via my good friend Amber. I hope that it is ok that I used it.)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Don't worry I am still alive and kicking. I haven't been the greatest about this lately. I have just been busy with work since Ben has been here as much. And I have to admit a little just blaw about it. I have really cute pictures but they are soo past the date it would be the longest blog in the world.
Just an update, I suppose I'll add pictures later :-)
Samantha's birthday came and went. She didn't have a party this year but a family party. Ok the family party is every year but we've decided that a party every year is too much and Jacobs birthday is just 2 weeks after hers. He just had the family party too. I meant to give a friend party but I just didn't have time to put something together. I feel bad about it, although I think he is over it, I still wish I was a better mom that way. Next year for sure! Plus I don't mind having stuff for him through out the year. Maybe a sleep over with a friend. One at a time. Slowly but surely.
Zach is 9 months old and cute as ever. He has both his front teeth and loves to walk the furniture. He can stand a second on his own but then plops down. I think he is growing way to fast. Here is a scrapbook layout that my friend did for a site she contributes to. She is talented and a great photographer.
I just love this picture of Zach!! (btw: you can see her work on twopeasinapod.com)
Thanks for looking. I'll add more later
Thursday, August 14, 2008
School Teachers
Ok Ladies, here is who my kids have for school. I didn't really see anyone who has them so I am sad about that but if you know someone who does, let me know :-)
Samantha - B Track - Mrs Hutchings
Jacob - B Track - Mrs Cowley
Thomas (nephew) - B Track - Mr Cox
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I can honestly say that I feel yucky. Tried to be strong but I just can't do it and just really need to sleep.
I totally have not been keeping up on this blog lately. I have some really cute picture but just feel like I am too busy to post them. Although, I am not too busy to ready Sherian's blog, which by the way is so fun to read. I know, I should just do it but am not motivated. I have been busy with work so I haven't been able to during the day and then when night comes I am just to tired or to lazy! Oh well, I will try to see what I come up with tomorrow ;-]
Monday, July 14, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Standing Tall
Jacob came into my office this morning to tell me Zach was crying in his room. I should be the one crying! Take a look....
He's growing up too fast!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Free Riding...
Yes, I'm free, free ridin'. Yeah I free, free ridin'... Today, July 8, 2008 is a memorable day. Why? You ask. Today is the day that both Samantha and Jacob started riding their bikes. Who knew that when Ben bought 2 scooters for him and Jon that the kids would use them all the time and get their balance down. Jacob started yesterday and Samantha tried today with success! Here are the momentous occasions.
Samantha's bike riding event. We are sooooo proud of her!!
Jacob's ride....look at speedy, he just loves racing with everyone.
Good job, kids!!!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
To my wonderful sisters and mom,
I love you all very much and don't know what I would do with out any of you!!
Catalina Island
Boat from ship to Catalina Island.


I am so proud of Jacob! He started Tee-Ball this month and is really quite good for not playing much of any sport. I love the way he is enthusiastic about his games! He asks me early in the week what day it is and counts down the days to his game. The city puts the kids in teams by their school grade they are in at the time of sign up. Jac was in K at the time (because of his b-day being in September, which was a good thing if you ask me but that is another story) and his team is so cute. Their first game, as one parent described today, was "like herding cats", which I totally agree but it is still cute!! This game all the kids where there and all of them hit the ball quite well. We just need to practice catching and throwing. Jacob just wants to hit home runs and tag people out, which is what you are supposed to do.
Jacob playing pitch position

3rd base, waiting to run home
High Five....
Snacks for a good game!!!
GOOD JOB JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
And the grass grows greener still..
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